Like everyone else involved in the Ag industry, I was
starting to wonder if our politicians were ever going to work on a new Farm
Bill. However, it seems like we have finally gotten our answer, and it looks
like our Senators and Representatives are now serious about getting a Farm Bill
passed after letting the previous Farm Bill expire, which led to an extension
of the 2008 Farm Bill.

So then what should a new Farm Bill look like? Well that is
a tough question to answer and it actually depends on who you talk to. Some might
say that a new Farm Bill will not make any cuts to SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program) and will reform how farmers are assisted when disasters
strike. Another person might say that the SNAP portion of the Farm Bill needs
to be reformed and the farmer assistance programs left alone. Like I said
before, it just depends on who a person talks to and what they believe in. The way it sounds, the next Farm Bill will definitely have cuts made to
different programs, however, at this point no one knows how big those cuts
could be.
While I could go on and on about the Farm Bill and what
could be cut and what might not be cut, one of the biggest concerns for me in
the next Farm Bill will be how our Senators and Representatives handle crop
insurance. Crop insurance has become one of the greatest risk management tools
for farmers, and can provide assurance that when a farmer has a bad growing
year; they can still keep their family farm going and hopefully be able to
recover in the following year. The best example of this so far is the drought
of 2012. Even though there was a large crop insurance payout in 2012, it should
be remembered that this isn’t a year to year thing and the reason for such a
large payout was due to the drought in 2012 that devastated America’s crops.
Another key point that should be
remembered is that due to the crop insurance program, there was no need for a disaster assistance bill, something
that could have cost more than what crop insurance paid out in 2012. Also,
farmers aren’t getting crop insurance for free. They have to pay a share of the
premium as well, and buying crop insurance doesn’t mean they will get a payout
every year. It will only be in the years where they struggled to get a crop
As I mentioned before, I could go on and on about a Farm
Bill and what could be in it and what might not be in it. But at the same time
there is already plenty of that going around. However, I encourage everyone to
let their Senator and Representative know the importance of a Farm Bill! A Farm
Bill is a bill for jobs, food, feed, energy, fiber, and can be a powerful economic
engine for Rural America! A Farm
Bill is what can lead to a bright future for not only the agriculture industry,
but also our nation!
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